Saturday, August 25, 2012

100 people

I've been putting off posting because I want to write about this summer, in the meantime I'm having experiences that I feel like are worth a post. So I thought perhaps I'd be better off sharing some of the small things that have happened recently and getting myself back into the swing of things, after all I've been back in Delhi a month and we just finished our third week of school.

One cool thing that has come out this week is that the 100 people project is featuring a video they shot at our school which highlights the exchange our high school students do with the Vivekanand Community across the street. It will give you a glimpse of what life is like here for some of our neighbors. I've attempted to embed it here, but you can watch it at the 100 people website if you click on India (or try this link if that doesn't work).

The 100 People Project: The American Embassy School New Delhi, India from 100 People Foundation on Vimeo.