Saturday, December 20, 2014

Bird Garden

Take your bird for some air

It seems that even when I'm outside of the US I can't help but find odd ball and quirky things as I travel. Hong Kong was no exception. I was happy with the oversized statues and funky benches that I walked past my first day in the city, but that was topped by the trip I made to check out the bird garden. It probably isn't what you are thinking....this was a small strip of greenspace, with a paved sidewalk through it where people could take their birds (in cages) out for some fresh air. They would walk them in, carrying one to two cages covered in clothes, find a convenient branch or hook, hang the cage up and take off the cloth. Get your birds some fresh air! In the meantime you can sit and chat with your friends while your birds (sort of) enjoy the great outdoors. Reminded me a bit of the woman I used to cross paths with in Savannah, Georgia who would load her large birdcage in a wagon and take her pets for a walk.

Bird outing

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