Sunday, May 15, 2016

Agrasen ki Baoli

Step wells have recently been "rediscovered" in India. Or perhaps it is more fair to say brought back to the awareness of locals and tourists alike. There are several scattered around Delhi, and while my family was visiting we took the opportunity to stop at Agrasen ki Baoli in central Delhi, in the middle of the modern city. Originally dug down to allow residents access to water (after a descent of 108 steps) it is now mostly dry (just a bit of damp at the very bottom) although a residence for a bat colony. It is a popular spot for the locals, where they hang out, use it as a backdrop for photo shoots or just relax on the steps.

Originally thought to be built somewhere between 1320-1520 due to its architectural style, it actually was full of water until at least the 1970s, when Delhi's growth and development resulted in drastically lowering the underground water levels. Buried in mud and silt it took work on the part of the Archeological Survey of India to restore the site. However, this unique spot seems well worth the work.

You can read more about it here, and even find directions.

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