Sunday, November 17, 2013

Village walk


They dropped us off by an overlook with a lower pond and a view of the hills. A place where stone structures like diving boards jutted out over the void. They said there was a village just down the road if we wanted to walk a bit. After several hours in the car the idea was delightful and we all grabbed our cameras as we got out to stretch our legs a bit. I couldn't turn down the opportunity to see a village from the ground instead of out the car window as I so often do here in India. Those women you see hauling piles of hay on their head - they're coming out of the woods to join us on the road, a big smile on their face. Small children may seem shy at first but will soon overcome the strangeness of our skin in the joy of taking photos and sharing the few words of English they know. The old man, face lined with life, will continue to sit silently on the porch, just offering a nod as I say "Namaste." Women in bright saris peek out of doors and sweep the ground in front of their house. They go about their life as usual as I come the closest to rural India as I've ever been. An hour that reminds me of the two years I walked villages in Guinea as a Peace Corps volunteer.

Carrying pots

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